Monday, 30 January 2012


Welcome back! I hope you had a great weekend

We are still working on our vowels.  So far we have learn the following vowels:
  • ai
  • oa
  • ie
Today we learn the sounds and actions of ee-or. We also practised reading our word family.

ai word family list:
  • wait
  • train
  • rain
  • chair
  • snail
ie word family list:
  • pie
  • tie
oa word family list:
  • float
  • boat
  • coat
  • goat
  • oak
ee word family:
  • sheep
  • bee
  • tree
  • weed
Or word family list
  • fork
  • storm
  • horse
  • morning
  • horn
Islamic Studies:
We started our Mercy of the Prophet (saw) unit. Today we learn the full name of the prophet Muhammad (saw). We discussed the reason for saying SAW after mentioning his name.

Students were asked to show mercy and kindness towards someone and tell us about what they did tomorrow inshaAllah.

Group 1 had their show and tell. The children did very well presenting thier show and tell.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Today we learn the ao sound, and oa word family. MashaAllah! the SK are doing well remembering the sounds of ai and oa as well as previews letters learn. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

We had very busy day today!

We started our day with the morning circle. Thereafter, we practised writing our journal. Reading group 1a, 1b, and 3 had their reading practised with our reading helper. We also practised writing letter J in our workbook.


We reviewed previous lessons. Then we discussed the difference between heavy and light. Thereafter, the students drew light and heavy objects.


Don't forget to practise and memorise surrah Quraish

Show and tell:

Group 4 had their show and tell. I'm very impressed with the SKs presentation skills. Good job Boys and Girls!

Have a good weekend

Tr. Hamdi

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Please note that Friday January 20th is a PDD Day. I wish you very relaxing week.

Take Care

Tr. Hamdi
Please help your child to practise and memorise surah Al-Quraish by next Monday January 23, 2012.
Thank you
Tr. Salaam

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Circle Time

Today during morning circle we:
  • practised reading the dua of sleep
  • did the calendar
  • practised  counting by 2s up to 30.
  • practised reviewing the previous letters
we practised dribbling basketball. Thereafter, we had free play.


We read "Mmm Cookies". We then discussed the:
  • characters
  • plot
  • theme
We then practised reading the morning message and words which contain ai vowel.  Thereafter, we practised working in our workbook.

Computer Lab:
This afternoon inshaAllah we  will practise the ai vowel.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Ai Word Family


This week inshaAllah, we will learn the sound of ai vowel and letter J. We will practise reading words which contain ai vowel.

Sound of Ai Vowel

*  Please encourage your child to practise daily the sounds of the vowels, as this will inshaAllah enhance his/her reading skills.

for complete vowel sounds please visit:

Then Click on vowels

Islamic Studies:

We read the story of Prophet Mua (as) (his Childhood) and discussed the lessons learn from his story.
  1. We learn from this story to put our trust in Allah
  2. To be kind and gentle towards others.

We practised counting by 2s

Friday, 13 January 2012

Pajamas Day


School should be fun for kids! Therefore, I would like to have a pajamas day the last week of this month.

  • Must be long sleeve shirt and long pants (see image for an example).
  •  bring teddy bear if you wish
  • come with a smile and be ready to have fun
We will also watch a movie together.

We will have a vote. Please leave a comment below and let me know if you are in favor or against this.


Assalamo Alaikum

MashaAllah! The SKs did very during juma salah. Keep up the good work friends! This was great week MashaAlalh! I hope this great start continues throughout the school year.

Upcoming week inshaAllah:

We will learn the sounds of ai vowel and letter J.

Tr. Hamdi

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Phonic book 3 Review page 21

  1. We started our language class with journal writing. MashaAlla the students did very well.

2   We practised reading the following words together:

  • Mat
  • dong
  • cup
  • egg
  • net
  • ant
  • hen
  • bus
  • sun

3  The students were given 3 different words, using pictures they had to choose the correct word and write it in the line provided.


Sun, Sub, Sit

_______    ___________     ___________

We did the firs few words together and they completed the rest.

Hot Lunch:

We will have pizza tomorrow inshaAllah.

Juma Salah

We will inshaAllah pray salatul Juma in the gym with the rest of the school.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


asalamo alaikum

Unfortunately due to picture day, we did not get the change to take a book today from the library.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Phonic book 3 review page 18

We practised reading the following words:
  • bag
  • hen
  • bus
  • cap
  • pig
  • web
  • pin
  • sun
Reading/Writing Activity

After practising reading the above words, the students were asked to complete Phonic book 3 review page p18.

picture day

Don't forget tomorrow is a picture day!

Monday, 9 January 2012

today we learned how to read tricky words such as
  • The
  • Are
  • You
we also practise matching lower case letter  and upper case letters. MashaAllah! The majority of the students did very well. However, few need more practise  

Islamic Studies:
We practised reading dua before sleep