Thursday, 7 June 2012

Important dates to remember


Sorry for the too many emails.

Important dates to remember

1.    No School tomorrow
2.    June 13: Twin Day
3.    June 14: SK graduation
4.    June 19: Last Field trip to Brewer park near Carleton University: price for the bus fair is to be confirmed. We need 3 volunteers please. I will send the form next week Insha'Allah. We will be going with the grade 1s.
The purpose for this trip:
·       is off course for the kids to have fun
·        for SKs to mingle and develop friendship with the grade 1s, this will Insha'Allah ease their transition next year.

5.    June 22-23: End of Year Celebration

6.    June 26: Reptile Show for SK-JK

          Time: 9:15-10:15am
          Place: Abraar Gym. 
          Price: $5.00. please send the $5.00 with your child before Friday June 22, 2012.

7.   June 28: SK End of School party.

Have a great weekend.

Take care

Tr. Hamdi

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


This message is from Tr. Salaam.

Please help your child to memorize surah Al-Qadri verse 1-3 by next Monday June 11, 2012 and complete surah by  next Wednesday June 13, 2012.

Thank you

Tr. Salaam

Friday, 1 June 2012

Alhamdulillah! We are at the end of Phonic book # 7. We only have 2 more vowels to cover. 

For the month of June we will focus on reviewing:
  1. Islamic manners
  2.  Stories of the Prophets
  3. Behavioural management strategies
  4. proper social conduct
  5. Cooperation
  6. Early literacy (letter recognition, sounds of the letters, sounds of vowels, strategies of reading 3 letter words, early writing skills eg. copying words from the board)
  7. science and art units
Students will be evaluated on the above 7 points for term 3

Masha Allah! The SKs have been working very hard for the last 2 months preparing for the graduation ceremony.


 After completing the Mercy of the Prophet (saw) I asked the students of they have learned/liked about the unit. I then typed up their answers and compiled into a mini booklet. The SKs will Insha'Allah proudly present their work during the ceremony.

I sent  each child his/her copy  for further practice. kindly insure that your child returns it by Monday.

Thank you