Thursday, 27 October 2011

nominations are still open

Assalamu Alikum Dear Parents of Abraar School,

This is a reminder from the Parent Support Team (PST) that nominations are still open for anyone interested in being part of  a group that will provide support and fundraising events for the school. Unfortunately we have not received enough nominations to even run an election next week !!!

The PST is an essential team for the school so please consider yourself for these nominations. The PST was able to help raise funds to help the school with various projects and programs. All this help and support to keep our school improving is at risk of ending if new members are not found.

You can view the blog at:
and email

Thank you
Parent Support Team (PST)

Our Eid Craft

Please come and see our Eid Craft displayed on our board.

The Best 10 Days of the Year! (STARTING TOMORROW)

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days.”
They said: “Not even jihad for the sake of Allaah?”
He said:

Not even jihad for the sake of Allaah, unless a man goes out himself for jihad taking his wealth with him and does not come back with anything.”
Narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him); Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2/457.

How can we try to make the most of these days that are beloved to Allah jallay wa 'ala:

1. FAST!Try to fast from the 1st to 9th of Dhul Hijjah if you can, but if you cannot, then at least try to fast the Day of Arafat (the 9th day, day before Eid).
2. Do lots of ADHKAAR: Spend your time doing lots of dhikr, saying Takbeer (ALLAAHu Akbar), Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), Tahleel (La ilaa ha ill-Allah) and Tasbeeh (SubhanAllah). Also recite the takbeerat on the first ten days, as well as the three days of Eid. The takbeer is "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillaah il-hamd (Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no god worthy of worship except Allah; Allah is Most Great and to Allah be praise).
3. Read as much QURAN: (one of the greatest form of dhikr) as you can
Whatever you normally read, try to increase it and read a bit more each day. Read the translation as well if you dont understand the Arabic and take time to reflect on its meaning and see how you can apply the words of ALLAAH azza wa jal in your daily life

4. Make lots of DU'AA  Remember that Allah azza wa jal always near and He always hears the supplication of everyone who calls on Him
5. Makes lots of ISTAGHFAR: Make sincere repentance to Allah subhanu wa ta'ala for your mistakes and give up all things that Allah azza wa jal doesn't like.
6. Increase in all general GOOD DEEDS: Give sadaqa, be good to parents and family members, help the needy, visit the sick..
7. Make a SACRIFICE: Make arrangements for the sacrifice of a cow, sheep whatever. Read the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his sacrifice and ponder on the lessons on this story
8. HAJJ AND UMRAH: Well....if you haven't already made plans for this, its a little to late now
9. Perform more VOLUNTARY PRAYERS (especially QIYAM AL LAYL): Try to pray at least 2 rakat in the last 3rd of the night.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Show & Tell for group 5

Group 5 don't forget your show and tell tomorrow inshaAllah!

Please bring something  that  starts with letter:
  S, A, T, I, P,  or N”

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

letters sound

Please practice with your child the sounds of the following letters:
Aa, Ss, Tt, Pp, Ii, and Nn

you may visit:

Friday, 21 October 2011

Great Websites to explore

Teach your Child How to Rhyme
Help Your Child Improve Auditory Skills by Teaching How to Rhyme
Knowing how to rhyme will help your child read word "families" such as let, met, pet, wet, and get. Notice that rhyming words have same sound endings but different beginning sounds. Some words don't look the same: ache, cake, steak but they rhyme. To teach your child how to rhyme, play a game.
Body Name Game
How to Play: Begin by modeling how to rhyme. Point to parts of your body, say a rhyming word and your child should say the body part. This puts rhyming into her ears with a visual cue (pointing). If you point to your nose and say rose, she will automatically say nose.
  1. Tell your child, "We are going to play a rhyming game. Rhyming words have the same sound endings. I'm going to point to something on my body, and say a word. You're going to say the body part that rhymes. Okay?"
  2. Give her two examples: "I'm pointing to my leg, and I say beg. You say leg. I'm pointing to my nose. I say rose, and you say nose.
  3. Here's a list of body parts and rhyming words:


  1. When your child is able to do this, turn it around. Point to your knee and your child will say a rhyming word such as bee or me!
When your child rhymes body parts, play this game:
  1. Say, "I'm going to say a word and you'll tell me as many rhyming words as you can. I say bee." Your child then says words such as "he, she, we three, free, or agree."
  2. Choose one-syllable words that are easy to rhyme with such as had, rat, man, fall, ten, red, big, fill, hop, dog, bug and sun. All of these have multiple words that rhyme.

Putting Sound together:
Help Your Child Put Sounds Together to Make Words by Playing "Connect Three."
This game will help your child connect sounds to make words. This skill is used when he sounds out new words.

How to Play:
  1. Tell your child, "I'm going to say three sounds. I want you to put the sounds together and say a word. For example, I say c-a-t and you say cat. I say d-o-g and you say dog." This is a little tricky on your part because you have to think of words that can be said in three parts. Words such as me or go won't work. Longer words such as party can be par-t-y or p-art-y. You might want to practice ahead of time to say words in three parts. I have trouble thinking of words, so I usually look around the room for good ideas such as l-am-p or win-d-ow.
  2. Here's a list to get you started: begin with nouns-things that can be visualized and advance to words that don't create mental pictures.


Getting Back into Books and Real Stories
Since the goal is improving your child's reading skills, we need to get her into books. Choose four words from a short reading selection (one page of a book) and say each word in three parts to your child. Ask her to put the words together. Now help her find those words on the page, and read them together. You are making a connection between the words she put together and what they look like in print.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Qurana: Surah An-Nass

Quran                                                                            October 20, 2011
Asalamu Alaykum
Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah An-Nass by next Monday October 24, 2011
Jazakuma Allahu Khairan
Tr. Salam

No School tomorrow

Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that there is no School tomorrow. I wish you very relaxing week.

Tr. Hamdi

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Good Readers

MashaAllah! the S.K students are becoming good readers. The Senior Kindergartens are now able to sound out and read three letter words (such as: CAT, DOG, KID, LID, PEN, HEN, RUG, BUG, BAT, HAT, SUN, ANT, FOR, HOT). Please continue encouraging your child to practice reading with you.

Helpful Website:

Please allow your child to go on  for 10 minutes a day.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated
Jazakum Allahu khairan
Tr. Hamdi

PST letter to the parents

Dear Abraar Parents,
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa baraakatuhu! We pray that you and your
families are having a pleasant and blessed fall season.
The Parents Support Team (PST) was formed informally by a group of parents who
volunteered their time and effort for various school activities (such as the Hot lunch, the
End of year school BBQ, bake sale and other events). In order to expand this group, it
has been decided that Elections will be held for the various positions to keep this much
needed support for Abraar School.
Elections will be held for the following position:
PST Chair ; The chairperson will provide leadership for the team. (S)he will delegate
responsibilities to other PST members and encourage meaningful participation in all
Volunteer coordinator; (S)he will be responsible to encourage parents to volunteer at the
school in any way possible and to coordinate volunteers for events such as bake sales,
BBQ etc..
Treasurer; (S)he shall be responsible to keep track of the PST budget. Money spent and
money received.
Please remember that every Parent at Abraar School is a member of the Parent Support
The goal is to expand the Team to include the following activities (and inshAllah many
- Organising information/social events for new/current parents to the school
- reparing school handbooks/calendars
- Providing support to major school activities (ex. Awards, graduation etc..
Nominations can be made by filling out the attached form and emailing it to by November 2, 2011. Election will be held online the
week of November 5th to 9th. The Blog address is:
If you have any questions/comments please email
A Reminder : Please note that the PST’s mandate is solely to provide opportunities to
support and sponsor various activities during the school year. Any comments/suggestions
concerning specific school operations should be directed to the school Administration.
Jazaakum Allaahu khayran for your understanding and continued support!

To be Nominated

Pease fill out the following and send to , the information
that you provide will be posted on the Blog for all to view. Please specify if you do
not want to share your email address on the Blog.
Position: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________

Brief description of qualifications, and why you should be chosen for this position:

Monday, 17 October 2011

Story of Prophet Ibrahim (as)

Islamic Studies:
Today, we read the story of prophet Ibrahim (as) and we discussed some of the trials which he went through. MashaAlah! The students enjoyed listening to the story. Please ask you child about the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as).

Quran: Surah Tul-Falaq

October 17, 2011
Asalamu Alaykum
Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah Tul-Falaq by Thursday October 20, 2011
Jazakuma Allahu Khairan
Tr. Salam

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Week 6
Friday October 14, 2011

Asalamo alaykum
This week Abraar School implemented the Abraar School Buddy Program. MashaAllah! The program was very successful.

Buddy Program:
Every student will be assigned a younger or older buddy this year.
The buddy will look out for his/her buddy during recess, prayer time and other school events/activities. In nutshell, the buddy will act as a big sister or brother. This will encourage the students to live by the beautiful hadith of the prophet (saw): Muslims are but brothers.
The S.K students were buddied up with the Gr. 4b. They will inshAllah help us with the reading program.

Islamic Studies: we discussed the importance of taking care of Allah’s creations.


We learned how to sound out and write letter P (both in uppercase and lowercase form).
We practiced sounding out and blending (simple) words such as: pocket and pen. MashaAllah! Students are now able to blend sound all on their own. Please sit with your child and watch him/her sound out and blend three letter words such as Cat, Dog, Bug, Bat, and Log.
We played Rhyming Word Sit Down and Spelling bee.
For this week we focused more on story comprehension, sound of letter P, and recognizing rhyme words.

Story Time:
We read The Pig’s Picnic, Why Should I Help, and The Old Man’s Mitten, and we discussed the theme (s), lessons, and characters of the above stories.
Dramatic Play:
This is a new program which I have introduced this week. This program will allow the children to bring stories into reality. This will in return increase their love for early reading. After reading and discussing “Why Should I Help” I selected few volunteers to act out certain parts from the story. MashaAllah! The students did very well.

We practiced writing numbers 10 and 11.
We focused more on the concepts of stable order (1 is followed by 2, 2 by 3, and so on).

Art: we did fun letter “P” craft.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011