Saturday, 15 October 2011

Week 6
Friday October 14, 2011

Asalamo alaykum
This week Abraar School implemented the Abraar School Buddy Program. MashaAllah! The program was very successful.

Buddy Program:
Every student will be assigned a younger or older buddy this year.
The buddy will look out for his/her buddy during recess, prayer time and other school events/activities. In nutshell, the buddy will act as a big sister or brother. This will encourage the students to live by the beautiful hadith of the prophet (saw): Muslims are but brothers.
The S.K students were buddied up with the Gr. 4b. They will inshAllah help us with the reading program.

Islamic Studies: we discussed the importance of taking care of Allah’s creations.


We learned how to sound out and write letter P (both in uppercase and lowercase form).
We practiced sounding out and blending (simple) words such as: pocket and pen. MashaAllah! Students are now able to blend sound all on their own. Please sit with your child and watch him/her sound out and blend three letter words such as Cat, Dog, Bug, Bat, and Log.
We played Rhyming Word Sit Down and Spelling bee.
For this week we focused more on story comprehension, sound of letter P, and recognizing rhyme words.

Story Time:
We read The Pig’s Picnic, Why Should I Help, and The Old Man’s Mitten, and we discussed the theme (s), lessons, and characters of the above stories.
Dramatic Play:
This is a new program which I have introduced this week. This program will allow the children to bring stories into reality. This will in return increase their love for early reading. After reading and discussing “Why Should I Help” I selected few volunteers to act out certain parts from the story. MashaAllah! The students did very well.

We practiced writing numbers 10 and 11.
We focused more on the concepts of stable order (1 is followed by 2, 2 by 3, and so on).

Art: we did fun letter “P” craft.

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