Thursday, 17 November 2011

Reading Program Workshop

November 17, 2011.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Senior Kindergarten is an exciting phase in a child’s life. The success that children experience during this time can have a lasting effect on his/her future. Our goal in the Senior Kindergarten is to ensure that every child achieves his/her full potential. For that reason, we will be holding workshop this Friday November 25, 2011   to promote the Early Literacy Program. The workshop will take place in the S.K classroom between 4:00-4:30pm. Dr. Aisha Sheraze will present the workshop.

The workshop will cover the following points
Ø  What is done in SK to support reading and early literacy.
Ø  What the reading program offers children.
Ø  How parents can help support the program from home.
Ø  Other games and activities that may work well.

Please come early and take advantage of this once in lifetime workshop.

I look forward to seeing you all.


Tr. Hamdi

1 comment:

Tarek Houssari said...

This looks like an interesting workshop. I am looking forward to it.
