Thursday, 29 March 2012

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly:
The SKs entertained Abraar Schools friends during morning assembly with Nasheed about the 5 pillars of Islam, and the story of the Prophet Mohammad (saw). MashaAllah! The SKs did very well.

We read a story about things we need. We discussed about the story and then we wrote our journals.

  • We learned about money.
  • We had fun pretend buying toys from our cashier using real money. 
  • The students will get a chance to play cashier or customers during play time.

Surah At-Takathur


Dearest parents,

Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah At-Takathur from verse 1-5 by next Monday April 2, 2012, and complete surah by next Wednesday April 5, 2012.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Tr. Salam

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Language: Ch Sh Sound

Assalamo Alaykum

This week in language we learned the sound of "ch" and "sh". We also learned how to read "ch" and "sh" words. Please ask your child about the sound of the above letters.


We began our Shape unit. We learned about different shapes such as rectangle, square, triangle, circle, oval) and things/fruit that make the above shapes.

Islamic Studies:
We learned about the Mercy of the Prophet (saw) towards animals.

Art: today during art class we combine Science and Art activity. The activity was about sense of taste.

Activity: Supper Sticky

Corn syrup, food colouring, sugar, and honey

We explored tasting honey, sugar, and syrup. We also explored what happens when we add food colouring to syrup? Will the taste be different?

Toy Sale

Assalamo Alaykum

Please note that  theToy Sale had been posted April 19, 2012 so we can collect more toys and also get more volunteers. However we will be collection toys starting tomorrow. Please donate your gently used toys.

Thank you

Tr. Hamdi

Monday, 26 March 2012

Help needed


Dearest parents,

We need volunteers to help us sale the toys this Thursday March 29, 2012. Please email me if you are available to volunteer.

Thank you

Tr. Hamdi

Toy Sale Thursday march 29, 2012


Dear Parents,

We hope that you had a very relaxing March break inshaAllah.

We are holding our annual Toy Sale to help raise money for the Senior Kindergarten graduation. To assist us in our cause, we kindly request that you donate your gently used toys. Also please do not forget to bring money to buy amazing toys. The Toy Sale event will Insha'Allah take place in the Abraar School Gym on Thursday March 29, 2012.

Due to lack of space we kindly ask that you bring the collected toys on the day of the sale.

Jazakuma Allahu khairan for your cooperation

Tr. Hamdi

Senior Kindergarten teacher

Friday, 23 March 2012

Assalamo Alaikum
Dearest parents,

As you know we will be having a toy sale this coming Thursday (March 29, 2012) Insha'Allah. We are looking for volunteers to help us sale the toys.  If you are available please let me know.

Thank you

Take care

Tr. Hamdi

Wednesday, 7 March 2012



We made crazy friendly circus monster masks . The SKs had amazing time.


We had fun reading the following words together:

  • Bike
  • cake
  • bone
  • Snake
  • Kite
  • Rose
We then practised drawing a picture of each word.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Phonics book 5p14


Gym: Time to Act
I player was chosen to act out a sport while others mirror the activity. Then they guess the sport. Whoever got it right was then chosen.

Purpose of this activity: to teach children new skills and build their confidence.

We practised saying names of pictures then we practised writing each word underneath the picture.

We had fun creating marble like painting uisng shaving cream and paints. see video

Monday, 5 March 2012

Double Phonics Chant

Phonics book 5



Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, said Sloth: From this story we learned to appreciate our differences. Children were encouraged to try playing in different stations and learn something new.

We practised putting group of words into alphabetical order (page13).

sun, fun, run, bun =bun, fun, run, sun

We then practised writing uppercase letters.

Show and Tell:

Group 1 will inshaAllah have their show and tell.


1. It's a Zoo out there! One Zookeeper will call out an animal then everyone will act like that animal.

2. Have a ball: we will experiment with different balls. We will bounce, roll kick, through and catch variety of balls.

Free play

Friday, 2 March 2012




We covered all the phonetic letters and sounds included in Phonics Book # 5.

We learned the sounds of: z, w, ng, v, and oo (short oo, and long OO). We are now working on review pages.

We played varieties of fun and interactive Phonics Word Games and dramatic plays. These were designed to:
  • Enhance their oral communication skills.
  • Improve their public speaking skills.

Also, through these games the children learned to cooperate as a team.


We finished our Data management and Probability Unit. In this unit we combined Math with the Health/Physical Education. We had fun learning about our friend’s favorite fruit and when our friends go to bed.

We played variety of interactive Math games. The students learned how to sort, classify, compare objects, and make representations of their observations, using concrete graphs (using blocks).

Islamic Studies:

We had fun learning about our beloved and Merciful Prophet Muhammad (saw). The children enjoyed listening to stories of Prophet Muhammad (saw).


We are learning about how things move. We learned how different animals and human being move, and Major organs that help us move. So far we learned about our brain, heart and how to keep these 2 organs happy and healthy (eg. eating health, exercising, and reading quran).


We had a lot of fun learning the sounds of the letters from Alif (أ) to Taa (ط).
-Students did many activities that improved their oral skills. i.e...Describing pictures, dramatic plays, story comprehention, repeating sentences and singing nasheeds like Nabiyyunal Kareem- The months in Islam.


Students of the Month!

The Students of the Month for February was: Karam

Congratulations Karam!!!!! ☺☺☺

Special Day

Field Trip:

We had fun at the Museum of Civilization. The children enjoyed learning how to bake. SK would like to thank all of the parent volunteers who assisted us on our first very exciting trip to the Museum of Civilization! We couldn’t have gone without you.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan!