Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Language: Ch Sh Sound

Assalamo Alaykum

This week in language we learned the sound of "ch" and "sh". We also learned how to read "ch" and "sh" words. Please ask your child about the sound of the above letters.


We began our Shape unit. We learned about different shapes such as rectangle, square, triangle, circle, oval) and things/fruit that make the above shapes.

Islamic Studies:
We learned about the Mercy of the Prophet (saw) towards animals.

Art: today during art class we combine Science and Art activity. The activity was about sense of taste.

Activity: Supper Sticky

Corn syrup, food colouring, sugar, and honey

We explored tasting honey, sugar, and syrup. We also explored what happens when we add food colouring to syrup? Will the taste be different?

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