Friday, 25 May 2012

End of Reading Program

Dear parents,

Today was Tr. Nirmeen's last day. We would like to thank Tr. Nirmeen for all of her hard work and dedication. May Allah reword her greatly. We wish Tr. Nirmeen a save and beneficial trip insha Allah. Please keep her in your duas.

We celebrated the end of our reading program today. Students received certificate for completing the reading program.

Congratulation SKs!

Special prices:
  • Aya received a special gift for reading the most books amongst the girls. Masha Allah! Aya read total of 19 books.
  • Zaid received a special gift for reading the most books amongst the boys. Masha Allah! Zaid read total of 16 books.
  • Ahmed received a special gift for the most improved reader category.
Congratulation Aya, Zaid and Ahmed!

We hope that you will continue reading with your child as they cherish the quality time which you have spent with them.

Field Trip:
Our field tip to vallyview farm was amazing. The children enjoyed the trip. SKs would like to thank our great volunteers:
  • Sr. Dina-Zaid's mom
  • Sr. Nihad-Omar's mom
Thank you

I wish you a very relaxing and beneficial week.
Tr. Hamdi

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A letter to friends and families

Wow! SKs were very excited to write a letter to their friends and families. Masha Allah! It was nice to see so many eager writers. We ask that you read your child's letter with excitement.

Please remember that our field trip is tomorrow. Please come prepared to:

  1. Have Fun!
  2. Follow safety rules (stay with the class, ask before petting the animals).
  3. Wear weather appropriate clothing.
  4. Bring water bottle.

Tr. Hamdi

Friday, 18 May 2012


We have had a very busy week learning about tress/plants, sign words, vowels (ou, oi), sentence structure and writing and getting ready for the graduation.

In Math we practised:
  • Counting by 2's, 5's, & 10's
  • Number Sequence
Islamic Studies:
Story of the Prophet Yunis as.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Islamic Song - We are Proud Muslim Kids



Please help your child to practice and memorize surah Al-Adiyad
  1.  from verse 1-6 by Friday May 18, 2012 . 
  2. Complete surah by next Monday May 21, 2012. 
Thank you

Tr. Salaam

Friday, 11 May 2012

No homework this week. Practise reading SKs

Have a good weekend



Please accept my apologies as I was not able to print the field trip form today due to technical difficulty. I will inshaAllah send the form as soon as the problem is fixed.

Thank you.

I wish you very relaxing weekend.

Tr. Hamdi

Thursday, 10 May 2012


Our young scientist are having fun exploring and learning about living things and animal habitats. In order to further enhance and nurture our curious minds, we ask that you share with us your pet animal(s). Please come and showcase your pets.

Kindly let me know ahead of time when you are planning to visit us.

I look forward seeing you all.

Tr. Hamdi

Qu and Ou

This week we practised the sounds of:
  1. qu
  2. ou
We practised reading the following  ou, and qu word family:
  • house
  • mouse
  • mouth
  • cloud
  • our
  • out
  • round
  • shout
  • count
  1. queen
  2. quiet
  3. quack
  4. quick
Next week inshaAllah:
We will practise sound of oi and oi word family.

Reading group 3 had their writing conference with me. MashaAllah they did very well.

    field trip to valleyview farm


    I hope this email reaches you in the best of iman and health.

    We will be going to field trip to valleyview farm on Thursday May 24th 2012.  The departure time is 9:45, and we will return to the school at 3:00. The price for the trip is $15:00.  I will Insha'Allah send the form tomorrow.

    We need volunteers for this trip to be successful inshaAlalh. Please let me know if you are available to volunteer.

    Thank you

    Tr. Hamdi

    Wednesday, 9 May 2012



    Please help your child to practise and memorise surrah Al-Adiyad from verse 1-6 by Monday May 14, 2012.
    Thank you.
    Tr. Salaam

    Tuesday, 8 May 2012



    We completed Phonic book 6. In this book we explored with the sounds of Y, X, ch, sh, and th. Students demonstrated understanding of the importance of learning sounds of letterers/blending sounds as this will help us read complex words. I'm very impressed with SKs enthusiasm to learn new words.

    Next week
    We will exploring vowels covered in Phonic book 7. Phonic book 7 introduces the sounds of: Qu, OU, OI, UE, ER, and AR.

    Reading Program:
    MashaAllah! We have come a long way. Thank you for for assisting  us to become great readers.

    Please note that the reading program will come to end 3rd week of May. SKs are very passionate learners, and with your continues involvements and encouragement they will continue and flourishing inshaAllah.

    Buddy Reading time:
    We have adopted buddy reading system. Last week  we paired up friends from reading
    • 5 and 4
    • 3 and 1.   
    They took turn reading to each other. Buddy reading is a great program because it builds student's conference. It also encourages young readers to become fluent reader. Most importantly it makes reading fun and exciting for young readers.  In the future we will ask our buddies (grade 4) to read with us inshaAllah.

    Shared Reading:
    Shared reading is a interactive reading where the teacher and the students share responsibility of reading. Shared reading provides students with a positive and enjoyable reading experience.

    Interactive Writing:
    The students and I decide on a topic and we share the pen writing. I invite students to come up and help me write letters, sight words, or be the space person. The children enjoy playing the teacher.

    Writing Conference:
    We have began our writing conference.

    Goal of the program:

    My goal inshaAllah is to help move each child towards their individual proficiency in writing. Working with small group at a time will enable me to assist and nourish each child's talent.

    Please note that students are not expected to write like an adult (fluently). The following writings are strongly encouraged and accepted.
    1. I w f a w. (writes beginning sound)
    2. I wt fr a wk. ( writes beginning and ending sound)
    3. I wnt fr a wlk. (writes all of the sounds they hear)
    4. I went for a walk. (Adult writing)

    Please note that I will inshaAllah only meet with 1 or 2 groups per week.

    Group Reading:
    We will continue practising guided Reading. Guided Reading allows us to work with small group of children with similar reading abilities. Each student will have  his/her book or mini booklet. We will take turn decoding and reading. We then played Phonetic games.

    Social and Personal Development:
    We are working on Getting Along unit. In this unit the students will build/improve the following skills:
    • Cooperation
    • problem solving
    • respect
    • Responsibility
    • Self-Control
    My great detectives are working on problem math mashAllah.  In this unit we will practise:
    • counting skills
    • Number formation
    • Number recognition
    • Answering challenging questions.
     The last 2 weeks we explored the following challenging questions:
    1. Why do we study Math?
    2. How do numbers helps?
    3. Do we use numbers at home?
    4. Guessed how many letters are in your name, your friend's names.
    We will inshaAllah continue challenging our curious minds.

    We are working on Living Things in the environment unit. In this unit we have learned:
    1. Environments and what kinds of environments do plants and animals live?
    2. How Land animals are different from Sea animals
    3. Sea Creatures
    4. Land Animals
    5. Animal Habitat
    6.  Living things and characteristics of living and living things
    Islamic Studies:
    We are working on the story of Prophet Yunis (as).

    Last month,

    - Students participated in many of their favourite activities and games that helped them improve their Arabic language.

    The following was taugh:

    - Introducing the letters ع ، غ ، ف ، ق.
    - Meaningful story telling.
    - Singing Nasheeds.
    - Learning new vocabulary.
    - Describing some pictures with simple sentences

    - Alhamdulilah we are now done with our monthly theme which was about the house " البيت ". The theme helped students to memorize some new senteces which enabled them to describe the house. A Nasheed  about the house was memorized by the students. Finally, the students drew beautiful and expressive pictures depicting homes.

    Beautiful underwater life

    Friday, 4 May 2012

    Community Day

    I had my writing conference with group 1 yesterday.

    Community Day:
    We had amazing time! We were visited by:
    1. Artist
    2. Police Officer
    3. Public Health Nurse
    4. Dentist
    5. Firefighter
    Big thank you to Teacher Asmaa and all of those who help organized community day.

    Have a wonderful day
    Tr. Hamdi

    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Reading Group 3

    Today we began Phonic Book 7. Today we learned the sound of
    • Qu
    Reading Group 3 had their group reading time. MashaAllah! Students are making great progress.

    child friendly magazines/flayers


    Please send child  friendly magazines/flayers  with your child. We will inshaAllah use the images during our independent journal writing.

    Thank you
    Tr. Hamdi

    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Show and tell

    Group 5 don't forget that tomorrow is your show and tell!

    Writing Conference

    Writing Conference

    We will inshaAllah have our writing conference this Thursday.

    Goal of the program:
    My goal inshaAllah is to help move each child towards their individual proficiency in writing. Working with small group at a time will enable me to assist and nourish each child's talent.

    Please note that students are not expected to write like an adult (fluently). The following writings are strongly encouraged and accepted.
    1. I w f a w.    (writes beginning sound)
    2. I wt fr a wk.  ( writes beginning and ending sound)
    3. I wnt fr a wlk. (writes all of the sounds they hear)
    4. I went for a walk. (Adult writing)

    Please note that I will inshaAllah only meet with 1 or 2 groups per week.

    Take care

    Tr. Hamdi

      Reading group 4 and 5 had their guided reading. The children enjoyed reading with the teacher.

      Some facts about Guided Reading:

      1. Each is a reader with his/her own copy of a book
      2. Guided Reading is reading by the children, with the help of a  teacher as needed.

      Changing Sound

      Our field went well yesterday. Thank you for encouraging your child to follow the library rules.

      Today we practised changing beginning sounds to in order to create new words.


      Cat: change the letter "C" . 

      The volunteers were asked to:
      1. Picked a letter from piles of words
      2. showed the letter to the class
      3. write the new word on the board.
      We practised reading the new word.