Friday, 25 May 2012

End of Reading Program

Dear parents,

Today was Tr. Nirmeen's last day. We would like to thank Tr. Nirmeen for all of her hard work and dedication. May Allah reword her greatly. We wish Tr. Nirmeen a save and beneficial trip insha Allah. Please keep her in your duas.

We celebrated the end of our reading program today. Students received certificate for completing the reading program.

Congratulation SKs!

Special prices:
  • Aya received a special gift for reading the most books amongst the girls. Masha Allah! Aya read total of 19 books.
  • Zaid received a special gift for reading the most books amongst the boys. Masha Allah! Zaid read total of 16 books.
  • Ahmed received a special gift for the most improved reader category.
Congratulation Aya, Zaid and Ahmed!

We hope that you will continue reading with your child as they cherish the quality time which you have spent with them.

Field Trip:
Our field tip to vallyview farm was amazing. The children enjoyed the trip. SKs would like to thank our great volunteers:
  • Sr. Dina-Zaid's mom
  • Sr. Nihad-Omar's mom
Thank you

I wish you a very relaxing and beneficial week.
Tr. Hamdi

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