Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Ottawa Public library

Asalamo Alaykum

The perfect way to keep your child busy and educationally entertained.


please click on 

Audio Books Read along, or Audio Story Books

please click on K-1 reading level


Anonymous said...

Do you need to create a username and password to access the books? For some reason I wasn't able to click on them.

Safiah (Bayanne's mom)

Abraar Young Explorers said...

As far as I know you do not need to have an account. I tried to fix it, so hopefully it works now.

Anonymous said...

The website seems to be interesting since it has an audio component, but I am still unable to access any of the boys. I think we should have an account to go for the free trial at least. They need a teacher's email address though. Please fill us in if that's possible.