Thursday, 22 December 2011

who will be our Khatip?

Dear Parents,

We are looking for khatip to give  the khutba to the SKs. I will chose the most well behaved child from SK to give the Khutba tomorrow inshaAllah.

  • manners of salah
  • being a good friend
good luck SKs!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah Al-Ma’oon.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Tr. Salam

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Dear Parents,
We are sadden to announce that Tr. Gamela  (SK assistant) will be leaving us for personal reasons.

We (SK) would like to express our gratitude to Tr. Gamela. With warm wishes we would like to thank Gamela for the kind support she provided us. We will surely cherish all of the joyful memories.

We will be having farewell party for Tr. Gamela this Friday December 23, 2011. Please send with your child something to share with the class.

Tr. Hamdi

Monday, 19 December 2011

Dear parents

This week we will work on letters: F and B. We will also practised reading words which begin with the above letterers.

We read "Fifi Ferret's Flute". We discuss about the
  • characters
  • theme
  • plots
We then praticed
  1. Writting letter F in our Phonic book
  2. Writing/Reading  the following words Flag, Fox, Family, Frog, Flat, Fish and off.
Islamic Studies:

We began our Dua unit. Today we practised the dua before sleeping. We also discussed the manners of sleeping.

We will review measuring with non standard device (pencil).

Tr. Hamdi

Friday, 16 December 2011

Word Game: I spy

Assalamo alaikum

Reading program assessment went well walhamdulillah.

We played I spy with words. The students were divided into groups of 3 and they competed against each other reading words of our word wall.

Islamic Studies :

We prayed Salatul Juma together. Mahad led us to salah with his beautiful voice. MashaAllah! I enjoy hearing the way the SKs recite the Quran. May Allah protect them.

Monday, 12 December 2011


Letters of the week
  1. L
  2. U
  3. we will also learn how to read words which begin with the above letters

Surah Al- Kafiroon

Monday, December 12,  2011

Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah Al- Kafiroon by next Monday December 19, 2011.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Tr. Salam

Friday, 9 December 2011

My Community Project

We are implementing 0 tolerance bullying policy. Please encourage your child to keep body parts/objects to self.

Masha Allah! The Sks did very well presenting their project. Please came and see our beautiful work.


We prayed Salatul Juma together. Safeyyah gave us beautiful halaqa regarding manners of Salah MashaAllah. Siraj led us to Salah with his beautiful voice MashaAllah. Good Job Safeyyah and Siraj.

Star of the week

Our star of the week was Yara. Way to go Yara! I hope to have more shying stars next week inshaAllah.

have a good weekend

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Letter O Word List


  1. We practised writing letter O in our Phonic book.
  2. practised reading the following words:
  • Ox
  • Fox
  • Dog
  • Frog

 Anti-Bullying day

  • We discussed  some of the ways which kids bully other people:hitting, kicking, calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, and taking or damaging their things.
  • I then draw a happy face and sad face on the while board.
  • volunteers were then asked to place pictures/words with the appropriate facial expressions (happy face, sad face).
  • Dramatic play: few volunteers  acted out different ways kids bully each other. While other volunteers model for us proper manners, and cooperation.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Letter G Word Lists

We practised reading today's poem. Few volunteers were then chosen to circle words from the poem.

Gas in My Car
I have to get gas in my car and go from Galveston to Idaho.
I'd go the Gulf of Mexico.
I have to get gas in my car and go!

We then practised reading/writing words which begin with letter Gg.

  1. Gum
  2. Goat
  3. Gas
  4. Gate
  5. Girl
  6. Game

Monday, 5 December 2011

Educational Games

Lets Play and Learn!

Letter G

Dear parents,

Welcome back!

This week we will learn:
  1. sounds/actions of letter G and O
  2.   words which begin with letters G and O
  3. letter formation

Islamic Studies:

  • We practised nasheed about the 5 pillars of Islam

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Jazakum Allahu khairan Siraj for sharing the story of Prophet Yunis (as) with us. Good Job Siraj!
Dear Parents,

Today we began our prejoural writing. MashaAllah! the SKs are doing very well. However, some need more pratice writing lower case letters.