Thursday, 8 December 2011

Letter O Word List


  1. We practised writing letter O in our Phonic book.
  2. practised reading the following words:
  • Ox
  • Fox
  • Dog
  • Frog

 Anti-Bullying day

  • We discussed  some of the ways which kids bully other people:hitting, kicking, calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, and taking or damaging their things.
  • I then draw a happy face and sad face on the while board.
  • volunteers were then asked to place pictures/words with the appropriate facial expressions (happy face, sad face).
  • Dramatic play: few volunteers  acted out different ways kids bully each other. While other volunteers model for us proper manners, and cooperation.

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