Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Dear Parents,
We are sadden to announce that Tr. Gamela  (SK assistant) will be leaving us for personal reasons.

We (SK) would like to express our gratitude to Tr. Gamela. With warm wishes we would like to thank Gamela for the kind support she provided us. We will surely cherish all of the joyful memories.

We will be having farewell party for Tr. Gamela this Friday December 23, 2011. Please send with your child something to share with the class.

Tr. Hamdi


Tr.Safiah Grade Two - Abraar School said...

We will greatly miss teacher Gamila, I know Bayanne's grown really attached to her. Insha'Allah I'll be sending in a fruit tray on Friday.

Abraar Young Explorers said...

Thank you Safiah.

Gamela will surely be missed by all of us. We wish her all of the best.