Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dramatic play


Dramatic Play:

Today we discussed about what we would do if we were an owl. The students were then grouped based on the answers they provided.

Answers provided by SKs

  1. We would fly around with our owl friends (fly group)
  2. Fly to space (astronaut)
  3. Have a picnic
  4. Have sleepover
  5. build a tent, make camp fire and eat marshmallows (group 3, 4, 5 Camping group)
  6. Use magnifying classes and look for bugs at night (Scientist)
  7. Have a party (party group)
  8. Make puppet owl with my friend
  9. stay awake at night so that I can see rainbow in the day (group 8 and 9 artist)

Thereafter, we helped groups to construct their ideas into very simple play. The students presented their play in front of the class.

If I was an owl I would...............

Very Impressive work SKS MashaAllah!

Take care and have a good weekend

Tr. Hamdi

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Today after morning circle we went to the gym and played Green light Red light. Afterwords, we had free play. It was nice to see SKs playing cooperatively.

We read "WOW! said the Owl", thereafter, we discussed what would happen if we stayed awake all night, what kind of things would we see?, If our days and nights were reversed what kinds of games would we play? What would happen if we did not have colours? How would our word look like?

I was very impressed with their creative answers MashaAllah!

Monday, 13 February 2012

This Week

This week inshaAllah we will cover the sounds of

  1. Z
  2. W
We will also learn words which begin with the above two letters.

Islamic Studies:
We are still continuing with the mercy of the Prophet (saw) towards children. Today we learned how the Prophet (saw) used to play games with the children although he was very busy man. 

Today's task:
Make someone feel SPECIAL

Sunday, 12 February 2012

P.J Day


We had Friday filled with great activities! The students were very excited! 

P.J day Activities: 

  1. We started our day with Phonics. We completed the Phonic book 4  and the book was sent home for further review. 
  2. Sister Salam entertained us with her charismatic personality during Arabic class.
  3. We went to the gym and played blindfold tag. I must say that the game was very successful.
  4. We figured out when everybody goes to bed during math time (bedtime graph)
  5. We discussed the difference between day and night and dreams
  6. The students were given picture of sleepy cat and were asked to draw what they though the cat was dreaming about. Then they were given picture of moon to decorate. Then we attached the picture of the cat to the moon. Please come and see our creative art work.
  7. Outdoor play: the SKs had great time playing outside and sliding 
  8. Yummy Pizza....we  enjoyed our quite lunch time
  9. Face paint and games. Teacher Narmeen and Tr. Sara helped us the face paint while I played games with the others.
  10. Move time...we enjoyed watching Finding Nimo.
  11. quit play time

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Assalamoalaikum dear parents,
This is a reminder that tomorrow is our pajama day inshaAllah.

  • Must be long sleeve shirt and long pants
  • bring teddy bear if you wish
Take care
Tr. Hamdi

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Bedtime Graph


Please check your child’s usual bedtime and return the slip to the school. We will inshaAllah use the data collected to make our graph.


Due date: Friday February 10, 2012

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Tr. Hamdi

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

head lice


I hope you and your families are well and in good health.

This is to inform you that there was a case of head lice at SK today.  We have sent the sleepwear home please wash them well before resending. Also please take the time to check your child's hair.

This is a video that one of the teachers shared with us so that we can become familiar with head lice, you may find it useful too:

Also, here is an article that may help you identify whether your child has head lice or not:

Please keep your child at home (for at least 24 hours or one topical treatement has been completed) while being treated, so that the lice does not spread around the class.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Take care,

Tr. Hamdi

This week we are working on Phonic book 4 review pages.

Today we practised sounds vowels we learned so far.

Islamic Studies:

On Monday we read about the mercy of the Prophet (saw) towards children. We discussed ways we can show mercy towards each other. We also talk about our favourite Prophets.

Monday, 6 February 2012

message from PST

Dear Abraar School Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

This is a reminder that Abraar School will have a movie night this coming Friday February 10, 2012. The night starts at 6:00p.m., please do not be late. We will be selling pizza, popcorn and drinks. The food table will stop selling as soon as the movie starts.


Rules to keep our school  clean and enjoy the night:

1.     Bring your own chairs or blankets to enjoy the night

2.    Please keep the area around you clean and place everything in the garbage bins at the end of the night.

3.    Bring indoor shoes, as we will ask you to remove your boots before entering the gym.

4.    If you are bringing young siblings, please take them outside if they become fussy. We know these little angels need to move

5.    Have FUN !!!

The families with the cleanest area will be entered in a draw for the DVD of the movie at the end of the night…so good luck to all

We woudl like to thank you in advance for your continuous support.


Wednesday, 1 February 2012


We read "Jeremiah Learns to Read". We discussed the:
  • Theme
  • Characters
  • Lessons learned from the story


We had fun making goo. see image