Monday, 6 February 2012

message from PST

Dear Abraar School Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

This is a reminder that Abraar School will have a movie night this coming Friday February 10, 2012. The night starts at 6:00p.m., please do not be late. We will be selling pizza, popcorn and drinks. The food table will stop selling as soon as the movie starts.


Rules to keep our school  clean and enjoy the night:

1.     Bring your own chairs or blankets to enjoy the night

2.    Please keep the area around you clean and place everything in the garbage bins at the end of the night.

3.    Bring indoor shoes, as we will ask you to remove your boots before entering the gym.

4.    If you are bringing young siblings, please take them outside if they become fussy. We know these little angels need to move

5.    Have FUN !!!

The families with the cleanest area will be entered in a draw for the DVD of the movie at the end of the night…so good luck to all

We woudl like to thank you in advance for your continuous support.


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