Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dramatic play


Dramatic Play:

Today we discussed about what we would do if we were an owl. The students were then grouped based on the answers they provided.

Answers provided by SKs

  1. We would fly around with our owl friends (fly group)
  2. Fly to space (astronaut)
  3. Have a picnic
  4. Have sleepover
  5. build a tent, make camp fire and eat marshmallows (group 3, 4, 5 Camping group)
  6. Use magnifying classes and look for bugs at night (Scientist)
  7. Have a party (party group)
  8. Make puppet owl with my friend
  9. stay awake at night so that I can see rainbow in the day (group 8 and 9 artist)

Thereafter, we helped groups to construct their ideas into very simple play. The students presented their play in front of the class.

If I was an owl I would...............

Very Impressive work SKS MashaAllah!

Take care and have a good weekend

Tr. Hamdi

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