Sunday, 29 April 2012


I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Tomorrow is our field trip to the public library.  Please remind your child to respect library rules. Please encourage your child to:
  • 1.     Use indoor voices
  • 2.     No running
  • 3.     Respects the property of others
  • 4.     Ready to have fun!
I hope to see you tomorrow inshaAllah.

Take care
Tr. Hamdi

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Wow! MashaAlla!

Wow! MashaAllah!
I'm very impressed with SKs ability to decode and analyze text. SKs love story time.

This week we read Elliot Fire Truck. We then discussed:
  1. The main character
  2. His characteristics
  3. How he was feeling and what he wanted
Text to Text Connection:
Elliot wanted to be a firefighter: what does this text remind you of?
Text says: "We cannot all be firefighter" what does this remind you of?

We also discussed the main problem and if the problem was solved?

Social Skills:
We discussed:
  1. Cooperation: what is cooperation and how does it help us? We read stories that focused on the topic.
  2. Self-Control: when we are angry what should we do? We read stories and poems that discussed the proper way of handling oneself.
Well done SKs

Wednesday, 25 April 2012



I'm planning to have the SK graduation on the 14 of Jun. Please let me if you are planning to travel before Jun 14th.

Thank you

Tr. Hamdi


Please help your child to practice and memorize Surah Al- Qari'a by next Tuesday May 1, 2012.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Tr. Salam

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Wednesday: Toy Sale

Tomorrow is our toy sale. Please note that we are still collecting toys. Please remember to send money with your child to purchase toys.

Phonic book 6 review page 20



We practised reading words from Phonic book 6 P. 20. We then practised writing

  • Sheep
  • leaf
  • sea
  • seal
  • bee
  • three
  • teeth
  • tree
underneath pictures.

Reading Group 4 and 5 did the work on their own. MashaAllah! Group 4 and 5 were excited to do the work on their own.Reading Group 3 and 1 copied the words from the board. Some friends from reading group 1 needed help with the sounds of SH, TH.

Well done SKS

Friday, 13 April 2012

Head lice Prevention

Great way to prevent unwanted head lice!

 SK parent had shared this information with me. I hope it helps  
  1. Add drops of Tea Tree Oil to shampoo you normally use.
  2. Or add drops to water and put in a spray bottle. Mist hair each morning with this solution. Lice do not like this, so hair is kept free of unwanted guests.

It comes in different sizes and packages. see image for example.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Interactive Writing

Yesterday, we practised interactive writing.

The students and I decided on a topic together and shared the pen writing the sentence.  After discussing sometime we decided on 1 topic which was: talking flower. We then discussed how we would begin and end our sentence.

Together we came up with:

One day we saw a beautiful flower and it talk to us.

Guided Reading

Today we pratised guided Reading. Guided Reading allows us to work with small group of  children with similar reading abilities.  Each student had his/her mini booklet which we pactised reading together. We then played Phonetic games.   Today we worked with group 1 and 3. InshaAllah we will work with group 4 and 5 tomorrow.

Muhammad (saw) The Last Prophet HQ

The is a story of the prophet Mohammad (saw) in English. Great move for kids. I would however, skip the battles, for it might be too much for some kids.

How To Love Muhammad (PBUH) - Spoken Word Poem

The above video ties well with our Islamic Study unit: Mercy of the Prophet (saw).  In this unit the children learned the mercy of the prophet (saw) towards children and animals.

Enjoy SKs

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Toy Sale April 18, 2012


Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that our toy sale is on Wednesday April 18, 2012. The event will take place in the gymnasium between 9:30am to 12:00pm. The price will range between .50 to $5:00.

We are seeking volunteers to help us sale the toys.  Please let me know if you are available to volunteer.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Jazakuma Allahu Khairan

Tr. Hamdi

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Pass The Kindness Forward

This video was shared with me by wonderful teacher and parent of SK. MashaAllah! After viewing the video the SKs started implementing the message.

Thank you Siraj, Zaid and Yusuf for circulating the circle of kindness.

Talented SKs

Assalamoalaikum Dearest Parents,

We  learned the sounds of:
  1. Ch
  2. Sh
  3. Th
We also practised reading words which begin or end with the above blend.


MashaAllah! We have  a great little authors and illustrators amongst us! Today we had our fist ever individual journal entry. The students wrote and illustrated their stories.

 I had fun reading your stories and view your amazing pictures SKs. Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Tune!
In a couple of weeks we will inshaAllah publish our first ever book about the Mercy of our beloved Prophet Mohamamd (saw). The book is author and illustrated by the SKs.

Any ideas on how I can make the book to look like professionally published book?

Please email me your ideas.

Thank you

I wish you a very fruitful and relaxing break.