Thursday, 5 April 2012

Talented SKs

Assalamoalaikum Dearest Parents,

We  learned the sounds of:
  1. Ch
  2. Sh
  3. Th
We also practised reading words which begin or end with the above blend.


MashaAllah! We have  a great little authors and illustrators amongst us! Today we had our fist ever individual journal entry. The students wrote and illustrated their stories.

 I had fun reading your stories and view your amazing pictures SKs. Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Tune!
In a couple of weeks we will inshaAllah publish our first ever book about the Mercy of our beloved Prophet Mohamamd (saw). The book is author and illustrated by the SKs.

Any ideas on how I can make the book to look like professionally published book?

Please email me your ideas.

Thank you

I wish you a very fruitful and relaxing break.

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