Thursday, 26 April 2012

Wow! MashaAlla!

Wow! MashaAllah!
I'm very impressed with SKs ability to decode and analyze text. SKs love story time.

This week we read Elliot Fire Truck. We then discussed:
  1. The main character
  2. His characteristics
  3. How he was feeling and what he wanted
Text to Text Connection:
Elliot wanted to be a firefighter: what does this text remind you of?
Text says: "We cannot all be firefighter" what does this remind you of?

We also discussed the main problem and if the problem was solved?

Social Skills:
We discussed:
  1. Cooperation: what is cooperation and how does it help us? We read stories that focused on the topic.
  2. Self-Control: when we are angry what should we do? We read stories and poems that discussed the proper way of handling oneself.
Well done SKs

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